luni, 11 martie 2013

Romanian regionalization- Regionalizarea Romaniei

Dear Friends,

Petru Rares said” We have to be what we was and more than that” This will not be possible after finalization by  Romanian authorities of the regionalization of the country. The government decided as  Romania to be divided into 8 regions led by 8 governators  What will happened after the regionalization ?. The new 8 regions , with the help of the European Union (which  decided to cooperate directly with this), will became independent and thus will disappear Romania. But still there is a hope which come from UDMR leadership side  ,which are also the initiators of this regionalization ,having as goal the autonomy of their region. Marco Belo, Honor President of UDMR, said “ in case that the new regionalization will include more than three actual regions , UDMR ,will oppose to the regionalization because the regionalization asked by European Union is a recommendation , not an obligation.
Under this circumstances, our question is “why our rulers want to be first leaders from  Europe acting to destroy Romania at a recommendation of European Union which is not obligatory “?.An old tradition says that “we have the duty to leave to the future generation more than we received from our ancestor”. Why our  present rulers want to leave to the descendants a divided country in 8 independent regions? If will not be able  as us to stop our  present rulers to destroy the country, history and the future generation will condemn them as traitors .The symbol of our dignity ,the national poet Mihai Eminescu ,was quite right when asked his contemporaries” You are the descendants of Rome…?

With friendship and solidarity ,
Constantin Cretu

Stimati Prieteni,

Petru Rares spunea “ Vom fi ce am fost si mai mult de atat!”.Acest lucru nu va mai fi posibil in urma regionalizarii pe care autroritatile romene sunt pe cale sa o faca .Romania va fi impartita in 8 regiuni conduse de Guvrnatori.Ce se va intampla dupa aceeasta regionalizare? Regiunile ,cu sprijinul Uniunii Europene care isi propune sa colaboreze in mod direct cu ele , vor devani independente si astfel  va disparea Romania.
Mai exista insa o speranta care vine din partea liderilor UDMR , care sunt si intiatoriiacestei regionalizari avand ca scop autonomia regiunii lor.Dl Marco Belo ,Presedintele de Onoare al UDMR  a afirmat ca in cazul in care regionalizarea preconizata va cuprinde mai mult de trei regiuni actuale ,UDMR-ul ,se va opune regionalizarii deoarece regionalizarea este o recomandare a Uniunii Europene ,nu o ..obligatie.
In aceste conditii ,intrebarea noastra este de ce oare de ce guvernantii nostrii doresc sa fie fruntasii Europei la distrugerea Romaniei  la o recomandare a Uniunii Europene care nu este obligatorie?.Un vechi proverb spune ca “ avem datoria de a lasa urmasilor mai mult decat am primit de la inaintasi “
De ce actualii guvernantii doresc sa lase urmasilor o tara divizata in 8 regiuni independente?.Daca nu va fi posibil ca noi sa determinam pe actualii conducatori sa nu distruga tara ,istoria si generatiile viitoare ii vor condamana ca tradatori de tara.
Simbolul demnitatii romanesti , poetul national Mihai Eminescu avea mare dreptate cand isi intreba contemporanii:Voi sunteti urmasii Romei …..?

Cu prietenie si solidaritate,
Constantin Cretu

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